While driving down a small one way road after a short business meeting on Wednesday, I spotted a hidden gem out of the corner of my eye. Similar to one of my top favorites, EQ Heights, Compesino Coffee House is a converted residential house with a great home-style vibe filled with great seating for productive workers. The living room and the room beside it are my favorite seating places. The environment is almost entirely random. Krull was playing on the living room TV during my last visit and beside me were two friends discussing their new relationships. While across from me were two elder ladies playing dominoes. Majority of the seatings are for 1 to 2 people with available outlets mostly within an arm’s reach.
The menu is heavily South American influenced, with their coffee beans strictly originating from Mexico, and central/south america. My favorite being the horchata ice latte. The cinnamon and latte combination brings out a new perfective to my latte experience. While their other items such as the Maya Mocha Latte and Cafe De Olla also brings out a unique coffee profile I have yet to experience.
Parking hasn’t been an issue since the times I have visited but it is limited compared to the capacity of people it can hold. However if you do intend on coming in a group, setting may be challenging since tables are mostly for small groups of 2. There are 3 possible locations for groups inside, otherwise the outside seating will be a great option if you decide to come on a clear day.
The Internet and productivity is amazing. I was worried when the barista had told me the wifi password will be given through the receipt, but to my surprise it was more or less a permanent password that I have used in separate visits. Both visits are over the duration of an hour.
Lastly, the restroom is a private bathroom, one for each male and female. They are clean and fit in with the style of the shop. However, much to my disappointment, they use the typical large rolling toilet paper dispenser. A 2 ply paper thin enough to play a film with proper imagery. To my conclusion, Compesino Coffee House is a true hidden gem with a speck of dust trapped within.
Internet: Great, password is provide within receipt. Not limited (to my knowledge)
Outlet Availability: Within arm's reach.
Seating: Abundant for small numbers,1 and 2. May be difficult for larger, may need to sit outside.
Table Space: Good for small numbers.
Noise: Absolutely random. Seen people get life coached, played dominoes, and even meditating outdoor.
Toilet paper: 2 Ply film trip dispenser type.
Private or Stall: Private room with plenty of space, enough to for the Turkey Whirling Dervish to spin standing still.
Cleanliness: Exceptional.
Lock: Knob twist.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/campesinocoffeehouse/
Location: 2602 Waugh Dr, Houston, TX 77006
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